S-One Telecom Revenue Verification System – Synaptique | Enabling Digital Success

The TRVS provides objective and comprehensive information on the revenue generated by the whole spectrum of Telecom Services on an ongoing basis, accounting for all revenue generating events and transactions that flow through the systems of the operators. The TRVS enables the authorities to accurately and independently verify the revenue of each operator related to prepaid and post-paid voice, SMS/MMS, data and roaming services and bundles.

The TRVS also monitors the evolution of the Telecom Market in a given country and provides continuously updated data to better inform the decision and policy-making processes related to this market.

Its mere implementation represents, in itself, a strong incentive for transparency and compliance throughout the industry.

Key Benefits

Enforces transparency and accountability throughout the Telecom Sector.

Dramatically reduces the risk of revenue under-declaration.

Better informs the planning, decision-making and policy-making processes related to Telecoms through comprehensive and up-to-date information.

Provides a clear and comprehensive view of the Telecom Market evolution and trends in the country, in real-time and over any period.

Provides detailed assessment of expected tax revenues for the Government.

Allows for better-targeted, sped-up and improved fiscal auditing and tax adjustment processes.